Dulari K. Jayarathna 43rd Lorne Genome Conference 2022

Dulari K. Jayarathna

I am passionate about discovering new directions where mathematics meets biology. I hold a Bachelor’s in Statistics from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. I have worked as a teaching assistant and applied data analysis on health-related projects in collaboration with researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Science and Faculty of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. These collaborations fascinated me to select the field of mathematical and computational biology in doctoral studies. Currently, I am a PhD student studying computational and statistical approaches to characterise the role of microRNAs in complex human diseases such as cancers. I have worked as a visiting student at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) for one and a half years. I have presented my works at 1 international and 2 national conferences. Currently, I act as the HDR student representative of the Genomics Methods group formed by the Centre of Genomics and Personalised Health, Queensland University of Technology. I am also an organising committee member of two research conferences, the EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium 2021, and the AMMA (Association of Molecular Modellers Australasia) MM 2021 Conference.

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